Thanks for visiting me! You're visitor number For what's NEW, check the updates doc. Where do I come from?I was born in Caracas, Venezuela on July 15, 1972. I went to Colegio La Salle-La Colina during High School (any Lasallians around?), and then went to Universidad Metropolitana. There, I got a degree in Electrical Engineering in October, 1994. What do I do now?I finshed my Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering at Cornell University in February 1996. While I was in CU, I was also Secretary of Vencornell. Currently I work for Procter & Gamble at the Venezuelan Paper Plant, in Guatire. Here's a picture a friend of mine took with a digital camera in the production floor, back in early December, 1997.
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Copyright © 1997 Manuel Hernández
Most recent revision: Sunday, January 8th, 1998.