The Riff Ron Homepage

This is my humble website devoted to vacuum tube amp and guitar stuff.

It is always under construction, so check back often for updates (last update 12/7/08).

Vintage Electronics Magazine Collection  (Sold)

Tube Amplifier Mods

Original Schematics


Modified Schematics

Silverface Deluxe Reverb schematic
Silvertone 1471 amp
Electar Tube 10 amp
Silverface to Blackface Conversion
Silvertone 1471 Ron's preamp mods
Electar Tube 10, Ron's mods

Guitar Wiring Mods

Original Schematics

Modified Schematics

Stock Strat Wiring
Silvertone "Jupitor" w/Blender control
Add 2 more Strat pickup combinations
Silvertone "Jupitor" custom wiring

Coil-Tap / Tone-Control
Versatile wiring for 2 humbuckers

4-Way Selector for Jazz Bass

Series/Parallel Switch for Jazz Bass

4-Way Selector for Telecaster

Add Series/Parallel & Phase Pull-Pots





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IMHO: Dr. Z amps are the ultimate in tone if you can afford the price.

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