PROPAGANDA: 13th of October
That's it, the 2 last Primary Target CDs have left the Buro. If you still wanted one, you'll have to look for it on eBay! ;-)
Don't forget you can treat yourself to our last album "Tension": 12 tracks of boneshattering beats and acid-dripping lyrics.
Click here to read reviews
Click here to access our discography and order "Tension"
PROPAGANDA: 1st of October
We have put online the pictures taken by the Grey Old Men at the Vampire Festival !
Click here to see them
PROPAGANDA: 27th of September
Well, that's it, the Vampire Festival 2004 is over and we had FUN!
We'd like to thank all the people who came to move their body to our music, you guys were great! Despite some technical problems with the PA and the lights, you guys just kept going and going, so that shows some serious dedication and motivation to have festival fun! We hope to see you again someplace, sometime soon...
Also, a big "thank you!" to the organisation of the Vampire Festival for the best cares ever, you spoiled us! The black candy mouse was a nice touch ;-) It's really a shame that not enough people showed up to justify a Vampire Festival part 3...
Now CITIZENS, these messages are specifically for you:
You enjoyed the show but "forgot" to acquire one of our cd's at the concert? Or maybe you were so treasonous as to have missed our performance altogether... Well, no worries, you can order directly from us via email. You can see our complete list of publications here. People who want to complete their Buropolitik catalogue be warned, we have only 2 (that's TWO!) copies left of our first demo CD "Primary Target". We have no current plans to have more copies made, so gone is gone!
We also have a request... Did you take pictures at the concert? Don't hesitate to mail them to us, we'd love to see them and maybe publish them on our site! Yeah, yeah, we know, we're vain that way... ;-)
Finally, don't hesitate to give us your thoughts about our performance, the festival or whatever! Leave a message on our guestbook or send us an email at buropolitik@gmail.com!
For the near future, stay tuned for progress reports on our new album, "Belle E-pox" containing tracks such
Two Thousand and Four, Yetzt and H...
The countdown has begun!
PROPAGANDA: 8th of july 2004
e-pox is a period of time, impossible to place.
It might be in the past, the present
or the future. The result of nuclear experiments, natural disasters or
maybe wars... what
does it matter anymore? Those who survived created a new life, a mix of
archaic machines and
modern technologies, a new society where men are held on a leech, not to
repeat the mistakes they made. The masses are under control, except for
a few who refuse to comply.
Belle e-pox is when you stand amidst the empty streets, under a creaking
useless traffic
light, feeling more lonely than ever. Belle e-pox is when you
wonder, is it worth it?
And then the music takes over. Machine on machine action, distant rumbles as another building bites the dust, the beat takes over, releasing the tension. The lyrics reflect the mood, critic of a Belle e-pox society that hopefully will never come to be.
Belle e-pox is the title of the upcoming album of Buropolitik...
PROPAGANDA: 30th of june 2004
The upcoming album of Buropolitik is called "Belle E-pox"
The track "Two Thousand and Four" has been
finalized... Its as sweet as the sound of an elevator crashing
down a 7 floors high shaft! Listen to it during the next Vampire
Look what we found! Buropolitik's kick ass track "All tranced
up and nowhere to go" was NUMBER ONE in
the "Electro
meets trance" chart
on 01.11.03 on the DJ portal site http://www.djportal.nu !
PROPAGANDA: 6th of may 2004
NEW FLASH: Wet works (http://www.wetworksezine.com) has uploaded their new site, pay them a visit and enjoy the sound of Buropolitik on their Wet-Works Electrozine Sound Sampler Vol 1!
The BURO goes live!
On Saturday
25 SEPTEMBER 2004 in HOF TER LO (Antwerp), BUROPOLITIK will
be performing at the second edition of the Vampire Party
Festival: VAMPIRE FEST 2004! The line up includes Tactical
Sekt (UK), Nebula-H (BE), Lights
of Euphoria (DE)
and Suicide
Commando (BE)!
Join the crowd on the 25/09 and experience the pumping brand new songs of the upcoming album and banging all-time classic Buropolitik tracks.
You have a request? Send us a mail with your favorite Buro-track! buropolitik@gmail.com (message title: live-request)
In the meantime, expect goodies as the day draws near: preview of the new tracks, exclusive tracks, cd artwork by Electrinity,...
This is Vampire Fest minus 142 days
The Buro wants YOU on Vampire Fest day.
PROPAGANDA: 9th of april 2004
The title is Two
Thousand and Four, a Buropolitik homage to the genius that
was George
Orwell and a
warning cry that even though 1984 is 20 years ago, the
machinations of Big Brother are still very much present...
We leave the pumping baseline and beats to your imagination. Shame on you
if you cannot be there for the public play test tonight at the Vampire
Party in Antwerp... We'll tell you all about it!
And for another news, this week-end, Wet-Works online
magazine will present its new website...
Be sure
to check it out for there will be a downloadable BUROPOLITIK SURPRISE! Its
Easter after all.
We also have updated our Press
section (Data Archive > Press) with a review from Dark Entries...
All you always wanted to know about our current album Tension: read
it now!
Keep in touch with the Buro...
PROPAGANDA: 2nd of january 2004
After a year of silence, BUROPOLITIK still LIVES... Missed us? Good, because a new album is in the pipeline! Oh, it's not ready yet, but don't worry... tune in once in a while, we will hammer your eardrums with exclusive samples until the day of the release. The New Year will be busy, we plan a new album, a single and maybe a concert or two...at least!
So, stay tuned for 2004 is the year of THE BURO...