Children and Their Social Disorders
Welcome!  Not so long ago I enrolled in a class called Child Psychology with Dr. Kim Dolgin at Ohio Wesleyan University.  Dr. D., being a wise and with the times instructor (extra credit?) provided us with alternatives to your average 5-7 page double spaced paper which is this piece of work right here.  (plus, who wants to grade another paper on ADHD?)  Let us get to the point then, shall we?  I hope you find the links and information helpful.

Children can have just as many, if not more, psychological disorders as adults can.  In many cases the same disorder may affect a child differently than it may affect and adult, and that's where child psychologists come in.  Children can be exposed to a wide variety of psychological disorders, and it would be difficult for me to tackle every single one, so I've decided to introduce you to five of the most interesting (to me) and/or prevalent social disorders found in children in America.
Like big green, gray and blue circles, the way kids act can sometimes seem random and unfitting.
Some Helpful Psychology Links
Encyclopedia of Psychology
Social Psychology Network
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychology 333
Name: Megan M. Horn
Anxiety Disorders
Behavior/Conduct Disorders