I have been playing guitar and writing songs since i was  about 16 .I have played in a band for a number of years. Playing gigs around Buffalo. I decided it was about time to go it alone. I think I have a particular style with many different personalities. I try to write music that I would like to hear. Hope u like it!
Check out my tunes!

Here is my song Peroxide and here are the words:


I sit all alone with all of my cards on the table

There's nobody home and your not here I don't really care

How can I escape all of this pain that I am feeling?

How can I erase it ? Not feel u again

I hope this will end


Cause u can't undo all the lies that u dragged me thru

U just want to feed on my loneliness as it eats me piece by piece

U can't infect any part of me

I cannot absorb all of those wounds that your healing

How can I ignore u as u pull me apart I won't let this start

How can I avoid all of those times u deceived me

U get so annoyed when I call your bluff just give it up

Repeat Chorus


What can I say I'll just leave and let u play with

someone else

U can' t be fake cause believe me I can tell

U can be replaced maybe not today I hope somewhere

along the way u will learn but i hope that it doesn't

come too late

Repeat Chorus

Words and music by Mark Vidaver
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2001
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