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Personal Hotlist:
Hillarious pix i found online...TRUST IT you'll laugh your ass off!!!....NOT INTENDED FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN TO VIEW!!!
Mom's Page....under construction still :o)
My music page....images and music clips from ALL the bands i like...i like A LOT of music so i hope you can find something you like :o)
Pix of my Pets...including Tiny :o)
Pix of just about, my mom,,,whatever!!! :) check it out! :)
More pix....if you liked the first batch, go here for more!! :)
Even more pix!! :P
Hello peoples.....yeah i know i finally got a homepage!!! YAY!!!!! Phew, did this ever take A LOT of work!!! I must have re-done this homepage AT LEAST five times...and i am still not too sure what the heck i am at least it is here now! Although i think that i lost my last few brain cells getting this thing to work...hmmm....lets see, if i can walk, chew gum, and play with it all at the same time then there must still be hope left for me!!...ok lets see i'll go check that one out right now.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let there be light!!!!!!! i still have hope left!!!!!!....LMAO....well ok anyway, now for those of you who don't know me (and if you are actually reading this you probably think i am pshyco due to my little performance here's a little about my self....I was born on August 9th, 1983 in Milton Ontario, I am an all out female (sorry for those of you who prefer he-shes ROTFLMAO....J/K) natural hair color is auborne/brown but i am always dying eyes are pretty much the same color as my natural hair color but i guess you could say that they are hazel :o)....i am a short little shit and proud of it :oP i am only about 5'3" If you want to know anything else about me be sure to check out the "more about me" page!! :o) There are few pics of me there if you would like to see page is constantly under construction so if you have any comment or suggestions be sure to let me know :o)
IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT MY PAGE AND TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL THIS YOU MAY AS WELL SIGN THE MESSAGE BOARD ( guestbook) RIGHT????.....RIGHT!!!!!....please take the time to sign it so that i know you were here and checked out my page :o)
More about me for those of you who just can't resist....LMAO :oP