The World is Brighter on God's Side!
Welcome all! Im so glad you found me. My name is Kyle Rowlins, and I have something very important to adress too all of you. It has come to my attention that many of todays youth's are very troubled and suffer a great amount of stress when faced with lifes issues. Many often will stray away from religion and God's grace, and emmerce themselves in harmfull lifestyles. Many will begin experimenting with homosexuality, witchcraft, and other dark practices, and there is one subculture that has plauged America that encourages these evil ways as well as many other unhealthy activities, believe it or not friends there is one specific trend that incorporates all evil. I speak of a subculture termed the Gothic subculture. If you are unfamiliar with what Gothic truly is I can give you an overview. Basically people who call themselves Gothic (mainly our countrys youth's) will dress totally in black all the time, they listen to extremly heavy rock music that contains negative messages and encourages them to have sex or begin abuseing thier bodies with drugs. Gothic's also claim to be vampires, and will often take part in role playing games in which they will drink blood or sacraffice animals. Gothics will also wear tight leather clothing that exposes far far more than what is acceptable, and wear black lipstick and eye shadow (even the boys, in fact the boys will often dress in womans clothing such as fishnets, or feather boas). Gothic's spend as much time as they can feeling alone and depressed. Sometimes they will write dark poetry or practice writeing suicide notes. As shocking as this all may seem, this is totally true. It is happening, and our youth is being affected. The media has also contributed to the rize and popularity of gothic culture with performers  such as Marilyn Mansun and movies like The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Both of these are very popular among Goth's. We must no longer ignore this serious issue my friends, so what must be done?
          I have began adressing this issue in the most effective way I know how. For five months now I have been seeking out those who call themselves gothic and showing them that the way of God will set them free from this horrible lifestyle that they are living, however, I cannot convert all these troubled children alone. All christians must join together to bannish this demon. I need your help. You can help me seek out these troubled souls very easily. It's as easy as logging on to a gothic chatroom and telling the good news Or posting a positive message on a gothic message board. Believe me this will work my friends. Soon the power of God will triumph and our children will be saved! It begins in your own community,  Help these children discover the glory of God!
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click here to see how you can spot a child trying to be gothic