Hi, I'm Jaypal, JP or Jay to friends & family. I'm from India, but was born and brought up in Kuwait. Did my time in NSS Palghat, Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1985-89. Greetings to all fellow 89ers! I am currently working in Kuwait with NCR, as a PS Consultant for Self Service Products (ATM's, and related software).

OK, I'm still setting up my page, so bear with me while I get my stuff in order. The page is pretty crappy, because I still haven't taken the time to design it properly.

I'm currently doing my MCSE, and busting my ass trying to juggle job with class. Some days its a question of whether to sleep in class or just avoid the trip and sleep at home! Oh well...

Haven't done any tests yet, heard that Net Essentials format and pass requirement have changed (yet again). Just when I was thinking of starting off the series with Net Essentials. Looks like I'll have to change my strategy (again).

UPDATE : Did the Server test and got through with 620. Next in line is Workstation I guess.

UPDATE : Haven't accessed this page in quite a while. MCSE all done (quite a leap, that). Am now officially an MCSE. No idea what to do next...

UPDATE : Hey, just heard that the barons at Microsoft have decided not to invalidate (is there such a word?) NT4 certification after all. *Whew*, big relief 'cos I still haven't got around to studying yet ...

Oh, and I'm planning a major change to this page (yeah, right) - Among other things, I'll be putting up a review of all the CD's that I've got, hopefully on a song by song basis, the idea being that this can serve as a guide to anybody out there who might be thinking of getting an album but are not sure how good it is.

Meanwhile, some interesting links you can check out (I'll be adding to this list, don't know if these are still valid though) :-

Black Sabbath Home Page (Excellent!)
The Official Cozy Powell Home Page (Rest in peace, man)
Ozzy's Web Site
Joe Satriani's Home Page
Steve Vai's Home Page
Megadeth Home Page (requires Macromedia ShockWave Plug-in)
Iron Maiden Home Page (requires Macromedia ShockWave Plug-in)

VBNET Visual Basic Developers resource Centre

WCW Home Page
WWF Home Page

Eric's World Cup Soccer Page
FIFA Home Page
Liverpool - The Mighty Reds
World Soccernet - The World Soccer Network

By the way, since I'm am an MP3 fan, watch out for a few select MP3'z to be posted here ;). Sorry, no idea when, just be patient. I'm setting up a list of stuff that I have here to be encoded. I'll have the list up as well, and you can E-Mail me with your requirement or something like that.

Here's my Tag Team 4 Life

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