• Name: Mark Bam Bam McConnell 
  • Height: 6' 2" 
  • Weight: 170 lbs. 
  • Hair: Red 
  • Eyes: Red 
  • Profession: Best drummer within 50 mile radius of  wherever currently standing . 
  • Companies: Owner and President of Malakai Music Productions, owner and operator of Amazing Display Landscaping. 

Order your Mark "Bam Bam" McConnell cd's here!!
Click on theCD title that you would like to order from the links below! Please mention Cd Title, and quantity in the request. Include $2.00 for shipping and handling. Make money orders out toMark McConnell. Mail payments to
Mark McConnell
P.O. box 516
Archer Fl. 32618

The most insane 3 piece
BRUTAL, kick ass band.
from f***in' NYC!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS WILL SLAY YOU!!! $8 + s/h

American Teasers
A classic power trio mixing hard
rock with a splash of reggae.
10 tracks  $8 + s/h

Future Urban Zoo
     My killer funk band. Hard rockin,
with funk, and hip hop, with reggae
seasoning. 8 tracks  $8 + s/h

Brood NYC
My killer New York band. 2 different
singers on this one. Awesome hard
rock. Wicked songs. 9 tracks  $8 + s/h

An early LA based band I was in.
Nothing short of dazzling guitar work.
Great singer.  $8 + s/h

You are therocker that's stopped by.

I personally endorse these following products, because they can handle my playing!!!
Taye Drums, Sabian cymbals And Aquarian drumheads


Bamster In Action                                    Bamster In Alaska


Coming Soon,
Bamsters Xtreme sports page, including motocross, bungy, parachuting, diving, rock climbing, and much more!


Bamster in Tokyo                                  Bamster and Anton At the House Of Blues


In Loving Memory of My Nephew Kurt McConnell, Who's Life Was Cut Tragically Short July 6, 2000. 
(Thanks to Evie for the page) 

Check out some of the Bamsters favorite websites!


Check out our Fan Club

Taye Drums



Ex bandmate Steve Draeger's awesome art page


Check out USGIGTV to see Bach & Friends Live in Clinton Iowa

The Pure Rock Shop's Bach and Friends Show Review!

 Tam's Drum World- A tribute to Drummers and Their art.

Paul Vincenti - Original oil paintings on canvas all ccopyright 2001 Paul Vincenti

Thanx for trippin' into the bamsters web. It gets thicker every week, so come back soon, and get a bigger and better dose!!! Life is a para-diddle. Always comes full circle.EVERY TIME!!! (*-*)

Thanx Wildchild for helping make this page kick as much ass as I do on the drums!!!