Balakrishnan Iyer's Home Page

Welcome to my home page!

This page provides links to a miscellany of stuff, including among other things my research interests, publications, personal information and interests.

I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I defended my Ph.D. dissertation Performance-Driven Synthesis of Sequential Circuits on October 21, 1999 and graduated in February, 2000. I received the diploma at the Graduate Commencement ceremony on on May 20, 2000. This research was performed under the guidance of Professor Maciej Ciesielski.

I live in the town of Worcester in Central Massachusetts. I am presently employed as a Hardware Design Engineer at the Massachusetts Microprocessor Design Center (MMDC), Intel. I work on the design and development of the next generation of the Itanium microprocessor family. Before being acquired by Intel in August of 2001, we were the Alpha Development Group at Digital Equipment Corporation (later Compaq Computer Corporation). We designed the Alpha family of 64-bit high-performance microprocessors. The design center is located in Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury is a small town located about 6 miles east of Worcester and 36 miles west of Boston. If you wish to check out this place, here is the official Shrewsbury page.

What's New

January 11, 2003: Content update.

August 1, 2000: Reduced the amount of graphics on these pages. Redesigned the site using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). If you have trouble viewing these pages, you may wish to turn off the CSS support in your browser and drop me a line describing the problem along with the version of the browser that you are using.

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This page is maintained by Balakrishnan Iyer. Last updated on March 20, 2008.
Copyright © 2000-2008 by Balakrishnan Iyer.