Kims Corner Of The Net
last time I actually felt inspired enough to do stuff to my page: 4th March 2002
stuff I felt inspired to do: updated my CD list
Hi, Im Kim Lees... I'm 29 and live in Christchurch, New Zealand...
this is my first attempt at a homepage - how am I doing so far? not too bad, I hope... anyway, Im a huge fan of all kinds of music so this page is kind of a dedication to SOME of the music I like to listen to... if I was to list all of the music I enjoy it would take up several gigabytes but theyve only given me 11 megs to work with !!! :-)
wanna talk to me??? my ICQ number is 9270797, I'd love to meet you... "whats ICQ?" do I hear???... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN !!! well, ICQs this really neat little chat program that lets you... well, yeah, chat... as well as other cool things like transferring files and stuff... you can download it from here... just a warning though... its EXTREMELY addictive... I claim no responsibility for turning people into net-addicts... :-)
View My Guestbook where dya wanna go???
Links to a few of my net-friends pages...
these people were the main inspiration for me starting a homepage, so make sure you check out their sites too !!!
- Get Some Zzzzzzz's
Feeling tired??? then visit Melissa's page !!! why??? cos I said so !!! and what I say goes !!! :-)
- Grey Matter
you MUST check out Jamies page... its got a JEWEL theme !!! (yup, shes another Jewel fanatic like me)... she writes some really neat poetry too !!!
- The Homepage Of Mikey Mike
Mikes page has got exactly what every great homepage should have... a Jewel page and a Beatles page !!!... also Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Presley, Frank Zappa, Oasis... what more can I say???
- Jewel Farnham Home Page
Johns a real big fan of Jewel and Australian singer John Farnham, hence the name Jewel_Farnham... he ALSO writes some pretty cool poetry...
- Josephs Home Page
Josephs got a pretty cool page too, with a medieval theme... it even plays music... AND, you guessed it, he writes some cool poetry too...
- Minimuffins Cafe
Hungry??? well, then youd better check out Beccas page to find out whats on the menu for today...
- Sweet Stuffs Sunset Cruise
you just HAVE to love Tania-Lynnes site... its based around a sunset cruise and is just a REALLY fun page with heaps of cool animated graphics and stuff... AND SHE WRITES BLOODY POETRY TOO !!! am I the only person in the world who cant write poetry to save himself !!! :-)
OK... so whaddaya think??? does this page COMPLETELY suck or is it just pretty bad??? who knows... maybe you even LIKE it !!!
well, whatever you think, I'd love to know... please email me and give me your opinion... thanx!!!
awesome... since 7th June 1998,
people have checked out my site
"yall come back now, yhear"

under HEAVY construction - "WATCH OUT FOR THAT FALLING ROCK !!!!!"
updated regularly... SO KEEP COMING BACK !!! :-)