June 26th I added the lyrics to Spanish Eyes and The One
June 23rd
AJ's pics are up again. GO ME!!! Nah I'm just kidding. Also I changed the mailing list specifications so that you can participate. Go to the bottom of the page and sign up! Let's see.. Oh yes, for peeps that have been to my page before you'll notice the new graphics. This is the only page with them at the moment, but as soon as I get time, I'm gonna try to make a frames page and put the new graphics and a more sophisticated scheme everywhere. Well, gotta go!
June 20th
I added 1/2 of the lyrics from Millennium, so be happy. I've gotten many requests asking for them, so I put them up. I also removed any dead links and stuff. I'll be adding the discography of the different versions of Millennium as soon as I find all the different track listings for those.
May 31st
I added a new section where u can buy songs from me, since I have so many I decided I would share them! I'm also working on the new Mllennium lyrics, so check back!
May 27th
Today I put Kevin and Howie's Pics up and they are ready to go, so you can visit those. Now I just have to re-thumbnail AJs and Brians pics and they will be up again. I'm still working on Nick's. There are quite a few pictures in his, so it's a pain to index them and stuff. Also I put most of the songs off of Millennium up. You can go and see those on the music page. Also read the text in some of the sections because it may explain why some links won't work. I've been getting E-Mails about broken links that are clearly explained on the page, so just make sure you read it. And lastly, I'm working on the lyrics for the new songs, but I'm going to Maine this weekend, so I can't really work on them then. I'll try to get them up as soon as I can. There will be a lot more updates coming this summer when I don't have school. So stick around for a month or so!
May 21st
Sorry for not updating in a while. School has just been overwhelming! I hope everyone has gone and bought Millennium and if you haven't, it's great!!!! I'm actually recording the sound clips for those at the moment. They should be up tommorrow or Sunday. Also stupid geocities deleted one of my accounts which had all of AJs and Brians pictures in it, so I have to relocate all those. Oh well. Well that's it for now. Just wanted to let you know what was going on. Thanks for visiting my site!!!
© 1998 asllongasyouloveme@yahoo.com
OK, if you wanna meet a great bunch of people, learn lots of stuff and find out great news on the BSB, get my site updates, and possibly some pics, sign up here! It's fast and easy.