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TYPE O pics)
If you are from the Lodi, Galt, Or sacramento look at my SIN section.
they're a local band.look under my TPYE O section for more info on the
I highly recomend going to the Rock Out Censership orginzation.
They have a great Music link Database. I have a link at the bottom of
page.It's the censer this graphic a the very bottom of my page
I may have just started working on this site, But you should read what it
says about the band if you haven't already read similar info. Also look
at my links, if you like them let me know.
My interests are:
music, video games, sci-fi, anime.
If you have the same intrests,and have links that you think I might
be interested in Email there addres. I'll try to check it out. If I think
it's cool I'll add it to mine. If I don't post it doesn't meen that site
sucked. It meens I didn't get to it, ran out of room for links, or didn't
think it fits in with my theme.
Type O Negitive
Is one of my favorite bands. There a gothic rock/
metal band whose style has changed through the years. Slow, Deep,and Hard
was there first.Then there was Orgin of the feces. Then there was Bloody
kisses (Don'tyou justlove the cover). Then there latest one October Rust.(My Favorite of there albums) They also have singles and imports that I don't
have the names for, besides Cinnamin Girl.They are also harder to find (some
of them) My sugestion is if you've never heard there music to find someone
you know that has one of there albums before you run out and buy one
( Preferably Bloody kisses, or October rust) and give it a try.And give the
band a fair chance. Don't judge them right way, listen to a few songs then
be the judge
Slow deep hard was there first album for those of you who didn't know. It's a
harder album than the others. It took on the style of Peter Steeles former
(older) band Carnivore.
Bloody Kisses was there second true album. And had a mix of style's. Some
songs like Christian Woman and Black No.1 took on a style of there own.
October rust was there third album. And is my favorite of the three. It
mainly deals with the style that was used in Christian Woman and Black No.1
Also don't forget Type O Negitive just released a there first home video
After Dark on march 24th. I'm not sure what video's are on it for sure,but
this is what someone told me. They told me there where 5 video's. They
are Cinnamin Girl, My Girlfriend's girlfriend, Christian Woman, and Black
No.1. Remember I don't know if these are write if I'm wrong just tell me so
I can change it.
In the future I hope to have picture's, lyric's, tour info when they come out
out with a tour. right now they no dates set up as of now and I hope to have
more so come back and visit my site every so often.
Email me at 666sin666@geocites.com or Email me at geralds@mail.softcom.
net in the meantime.
SIN is a local band for my area.(my area is galt, between Lodi and
Sacramento)They are a metal band. They are also one of my favorite bands
I don't know exactly where there all from,but there local. I hope to get
more pics of the band soon, I have to get them from Justin Crowell Who is the
bass guitarist of SIN. I also hope to get the lyrics for the demo Trail of
Pain,so those of you who have heard SIN play before and have a demo and can't
understand certain parts of the song I'll try to get that section up soon
for you.I just got my pics section for SIN up.It has 5 pics now becuase of
the lag the others where causing
This is the cover to there demo Trail of Pain(I thnk it is there
second demo, but I'm not sure)The picture's kinda big!
Trail of Pain

The demo has four songs
Pains Embrace(My favorite of the four)
The demo is curently $3.00 at a SIN show.
The band consits of
Michael Grant-Lead guitarist/Vocals
Justin Crowell-Bass guitar
Martin Bechtel-Drums and Percussion
If you live in my area, or in the vicinity and listen to metal I sugest that
you support your local bands and go to a SIN show and see how good they are.
If you live in the area and are not on SIN's mailing list and wish to join
E-mail me and give you address, phone number, and Email address and I will
Try to relay that back to the band. Once I get a schudule for there shows
I'll try to post it.
Links to other sites on the Web
Anime turn pike, if your looking for information on your favorite anime this is the place
This many people have visted my site since 5/25/98.

Thank you for visitiing my site.

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