
I've made quite a few changes in this site. I decided not to be like everyone else and put up a Metallica site. I want to make a tribute to a band that hasn't gotten a whole lot of play on the radio, but a select few know and love their music. The group I speak of is Fear Factory.

So, for all of you copycats out there quit trying to be status quo and go your own way!

For those of you who didn't know, Fear Factory has a new album out called Archetype. It's a pretty kick ass CD. Feel free to email me, IM, chat with me or whatever!

at metallica8199@yahoo.com in the meantime.

If you want to know a bit about me, click here

This page will give you a little taste of what kinda things I do as a tanker in the Army. Each link will take you to the picture it describes. To go there, click here

This page is a tribute to September 11, 2001

Links to other cool sites

Fear Factory's Website. Check it out!

Yahoo! Free e-mail, games, web pages, and other stuff

Strong Bad email is really funny! Click above to check it out!

� 2005

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