original photo before rendering © by Souls In Stone

*~Insight~*     *~Behind The Mirror~*     *~Blackened Tears~*     *~Meticulously Written~*
*~Mental Ward~*     *~Silent Screams~*     *~Glitter & Dust~*     *~More Innocent Than I~*
*~Darkest Dreamers~*     *~Dream In Darkness~*     *~Inspire The Desire~*     *~Admired By Few~*
*~Bound In Chains~*     *~Vicious Circles~*     *~Your Signature~*     *~Other's Signatures~*
*~Thoughts Held True~*

**New section in progress!! Care to share your poetry with my viewers? Attach anything you wish for me to consider and send them to ~*me*~. I'll read over everything I receive and post the ones I think belong here. There are no requirements, but please keep them somewhat clean (e.g. language) and remember this is poetry, not short stories. Thanks!

As of June 23rd, 1998, Counter people have danced with me among the angels.

BlueBlood Banner Exchange

Aesthetic Flesh

All information contained within www.darkestdreams.net and www.geocities.com/angel_of_goth are © Masochistica, 1998-2004. HTML was all done by hand, which means I will not tolerate source copying. No programs, editors, or professionals were used. If you have questions about how something was done, feel free to ask. Graphics are all original and © Masochistica, unless otherwise noted, in which case permission was granted. Rendered photos are © Masochistica.