Nick: Hey Kevin! Did ya hear about that chicken that crossed that road? Kevin: Hahaha......get away from me... Howie: Ok, keep smiling. Hold the wink, ..gotta..hold..the wink..... AJ: If you don't get that camera out of the way, god boy here goes flying out the window!! Now gimme back my crack!! Brain: ...*gulp*
Welcome to "I Like Nick's Butt" The Humor site for all those lovely teenyboppers! .......excuse me..for all those lovely humor fans out there! This site was first put up sometime late June or something like that and has been revamped like 3 times cause for some reason we can never decide on a look. BUT we've decided to stick with this lay out. Remember to vote 4 us in the numerous things we've joined and have fun plus don't forget to sign the guest book!! The little green gremlins are getting hungry...hehehe.....
Note: This site uses javascript and stuff like that and real audio and stuff like that and is best viewed with internet explorer and stuff like that ok?? *wink! wink!* Go to to get Real Player. *wink, drool, cheesy smile*
WARNING: This site contains materials that may be sensitive to certain viewers....woo I'm starting to sound like dat guy on TV...oh boy...Going on..If you are offended by the stuff on this site, you can send us hate mail all you want or you can just read the "For da ppl who hate us" section. So get pissed all you want. We're not saying we didn't warn youuuu...
If you STILL don't think you should enter this site then go here, here or here for a tad bit more fun...NOW...
If you're stuck in someone else's damn frames den clique HERE!!
Hey people! Guess what we figured out! People actually luv us!!!! If you click on dis little gray button down here, (and vote #10 *grins*) you'll see dat we are finally on the list as #25!!! Soooo keep on clickin' to bring us to da top!!! Oh and we have anudder one once you enter. THANX!!!
Backstreet Boys luvin' people have visited our site!!! *claps her hands like an idiot*....oh boy! Better calm down...deep breaths....
Um...if this doesn't play when the page fully loads, just press play. It's a wav file and well, my computer is like screwed......Thanx!
This is our inspiration...
We are in NO WAY related to the Backstreet Boys, their management, band members or anything like that. We ARE NOT the Backstreet Boys, management or band member and what not. If you DO think that we are in some way a Backstreet Boy, well you're a moron for thinking that.