Monster  Island  Reptiles

MeMEmE!      Available      Collection     Care Sheets     Colors & Morphs    DIY     Resources

Updated 10.22.06


hello. welcome to Monster Island (spooky - no?)
breeding crested geckos is a hobby of mine, therefore i have a day job, two actually. i am focused about quality before quantity with my reptiles. i have a few special projects underway, more about those to come. please read my terms of sale before emailing.

feel free to contact me at



i got new potential breeders from the Expo!! (doing the i-got-new-geckos dance)

it's slow going at this learning how to make a web page stuff. i'm adding in breeders & some of the collection in the next couple days. next week, Care Sheets. whaoo!








this web site was created entirely by me & FrontPage. photos and content cannot be used without permission.