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A new musical style was born from the great feeling of natinalism after Jamaica's independence in 1962. With a mixture of musical styles such as mento and American rhythm & blues...thus bluebeat, ska, and rocksteady. SKA-Bluebeat-Rocksteady
Ska music was Jamaica's own original popular music. Many groups were becoming popular such as the Skatalites, the Maytals, the Wailers, etc. Artists such as Desmond Dekker, Don Drummond, Rico Rodriguez, Delroy Wilson, Justin Hines, Clancy Eccles, Prince Buster, Tommy McCook, and many more. Bluebeat and rocksteady also took off with such names and groups as The Paragons, The Cables, the Reggae Boys, the Melodians, Hopeton Lewis, Pat Kelly, Alton Ellis, Marlene Webbe, Phyllis Dillon, etc. Visit our page on The Early Years.

Dub music originated in Jamaica in the 1960's. It was the remixing of popular tunes with some toasting by some of the great Deejays such as dillinger, U-Roy, Big Youth, Lee Perry, etc. Duke Reid, King Tubby, Clement Coxsone Dodd, Bunny Lee, etc. were great producers, sound system engineers, and/or great promoters who began this unusual electonic remixing music. Dub music was known as versions, musical remixes that were recorded on the b side of early records. It became the main musical style when toasting became a musical form popular in the dancehalls.

Jamaican music soon evolved to a slower downbeat style in the late 1960's. Ska and rocksteady musical groups were soon becoming aware of their African roots, political injustice, and a religious awareness towards the Rastaferian religion. Out of these musical groups, the wailers took their music and brought it to the English Isle, Europe, and the world....

Rasta Revolution Radio is here to give you those musical styles...enjoy!

Rasta Revolution was a continuation of two Reggae radio shows which had it's beginning from the public radio station-KXCR 89.5 FM from 1992-2003.

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