Boss Playa's Irc's

Welcome to Boss Playa's Irc's! I have this Irc website for over a year and a half and have accumulated over 100,000 hits. I have not been on webtv for 6 months and have gotten a pc so it will be hard for me to maintain these Irc's. Thank you for using them I really appreciate it, I know they are out of date but if I ever have time I will find time to update. But in the mean enjoy.
Boss Playa

Boss Playa

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BaY-BeE-GuRL's Cute Lil' IRC
TC Version TC MoreChat Version

I made this Irc especially for BaY-BeE-GuRL. This Irc will feature simple /msg bars and Popups just for girl's. This Irc has a /join roomname cmd, which means to change rooms the server you are on all you have to do is type /join and the room name, and if you go all the way to the top of the Irc there is a roomchanger, which in a pull down you can choose multiple servers. Anyways hope ya'll like it! I know Jada Does. I Love Ya BaY-BeE-GuRL!!


TC Version TC MoreChat Version

This is my newest Irc yet i brought back the text changers, 29 of them added some other changes, I will be updating it all the time so let me know what yall think okay! Hope ya'll like it.

Food Stamp V.2K

TC Version TC MoreChat Version

This Irc I just built for Food Stamp a very good friend of mine make sure ya use it! I like it it is similar to mine, and I am still making changes on it so make sure to check back to it regularly.

Boss Playa's New Improved Irc

TC Version TC MoreChat Version

his My New Improved Irc it has hella popups and the one and only PaCups. And it loads alot faster give it a try. Text Changers on it are on their way back. But it kicks ass.

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~>Coming Soon<~
Boss Playa's Links and Script's for building your own Irc's please keep posted!!

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