Wellcome Luvs Kick off your shoes and relax
Here you will encounter the artwork of fans from the multi talented, beautiful, Boy George and Culture Club
Right now my page is still in it's begining phase if would like send in any of your artwork it dosn't have to be a mona lisa so anybody can send in thier art work
also i have a lyrics page (like u haven't seen enough of those) , surprise this lyrics page translates some of our fav songs into other different laungauges.Right now i only have spanish but once again send in translations!!!!
Well that all i have to say right now so once again wellcome and enjoy!!!

"Art should never kiss the arse of convetionality" ~ Boy George

Multicultural webring
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Alisson Gothz

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----------This site is owned and created by Estefani Pena. Email me at From Luxury To Heartache