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Jon & Lysa

Kissin' amongst the tombstones

Hola! and welcome to our site. It is a bit under construction, as we are in the process of merging websites as well as our lives ~ we were just married September 15!

This site will have some of our interests as well as serve as a personal site for family, friends and, of course, internet voyuers! We love to walk cemeteries...the older the better...one of our favorites is Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Renton, Washington. The above photo and the rest of our engagement photos were taken there. (Jon proposed there as well!)

For now, why don't you check out these sites!

Our Wedding Photos

About Jon Cyber-Love Child About Lysa

Kayelynne & Logan's
Place on the 'Net

(Lysa's Kids)

Cemeteries in
King, Pierce & Snohomish Counties
Washington State
(well, a few anyway)

* Blonde Jokes! * Revenge of the Blonde *

* Meeting Point
a poem by Lewis MacNeice

* Stephen King * The Beatles * MC Escher * Ozone * sweeet *

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