Last updated - 10/04/2001
Welcome to 'Whales and Dolphins (Yeeeaaahhh)'!!!
Once subtitled 'the most irrelevant Terrorvision website on the net', I stopped using this phrase when I realised that any site containing copious references to alcohol and rock music can't fail to be anything but totally relevant to the boys from Bradford! But within these virtual pages, you will not find the usual claptrap associated with other, less innovative (but far more frequently visited), band fanzine pages. Oh no. Gone are the individual profiles, no more is the detailed band history, even lyrics, tab (although I heartily commend fellow bassists) and gigographies are strangely absent. The emphasis here is on humour (Bradford style), alcohol, and generally giving fellow fans and nubile newcomers alike some suitably silly stuff to peruse. So stay, put your feet up, have a look around and a nice cup of (Irish) coffee, you may (just) find something interesting enough to waste another twenty minutes' worth of phone/server bill. I promise...
And now, the end is near, and I must face that final curtain... Dear Fans, it's with no small degree of regret that I must announce the subsequent cessation of any new updates to the site. Yes, a new album has just come out (and yes, I think it's pretty good... kind of the way Shaving Peaches should have been), but I'm a busy person these days and, to cut a long story short, I can't be arsed any more. In fact you've probably noticed that I haven't been arsed for over eighteen months, but as I gaze out of my window on this cold and grey Tuesday afternoon, I've decided it'd only be polite to close down officially. The site will remain up and running (it won't disappear off the face of the earth like Oblivion did), but nothing new will be added from this day forth. Unless I have a sudden epiphany or something, but that's unlikely. So, until we meet on God's golden shore, thanks for all the support over the past three and a half years, thanks for the emails and guestbook entries and pictures and God knows what else, and don't go slitting your wrists. It hurts.
The latest word from Terror Towers.
In April '99 I was lucky enough to secure an exclusive interview with Mark and Leigh just before the band played a fantastic gig at the Cambridge Corn Exchange - you can read all about our epic conversation here! And only here!
At last!!! The long-promised downloads section is now up and running, containing pictures, sounds, and loads of totally useless stuff to clog up your hard drive and increase your phone bill.
That's right folks, it's here, and only here, the Exclusive Whales And Dolphins (Yeeeaaahhh) Terrorvision Drinking Game!!! What better excuse to use up all that Alka-Seltzer hanging around in the medicine cabinet?
My spies tell me that Terrorvision are actually a supergroup composed of several other famous personalities - see the visible proof for yourself!!!
For a quartet of Bradford lads, Terrorvision have been involved in an amazing number of odd incidents worthy of daytime TV talk show coverage. Read the damning evidence here!
With the termination of OBLIVION's excellent discography, I have taken it upon myself to continue its work into the 'Shaving Peaches' era and beyond...
The Terrorvision guide to Bradford, i.e. the best gig-shacks, pubs and kebaberies.
Lots of lovely links to the Terrorvision sites I reckon are worth a visit - AFTER MINE, obviously...
BLAH BLAH RHUBARB - The Boring Yet Necessary Bit
The Law requires me to write one of these disclaimer thingies in order to avoid having my pants sued off me.
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See how many wonderful people have visited my site? The left hand one is how many people have visited me at Geocities (since November '98), and on the right there's the total since I started back at AOL (in August '98). But remember - you're not a number, you're a free man. Or woman. Or thing.
Crossed Line | Drinking | If I Was You | Go Jerry | Downloads | Vegas | Bradford | Hit List | Blah Blah