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Dustin's Lull
Independent and Foreign Films I Like

Local Bands

Some of My Favorite Books

Music I Like

Submissions from Friends

Read my second Guest Book here.

Read my first Guest Book here.

Links (Much better sites to visit than mine.)

E-Mail Me:
To prevent my e-mail address from being picked up by automated e-mail address searchers and spammed, I'm going to "say" my e-mail address. It's "DustinLull at Yahoo dot com".
Hello there! I'm so busy now, that I think I'm gonna' have to stop updating this site. Not many people visit it anyway.  Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me how you found my page!

September 27, 2001
Some backgrounds and pictures featured in my site have been taken from other web-sites. If my using any of them violates any copyright laws, e-mail me, and they will be removed immediately.
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