Fans Are Hooked On The Groove
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The Official Home of  Music.
"Music was the lamb that made a lion out of me" ~Esthero
Prentice Parran, bass.
Ryan Sterner, drums.
Jim Transeau, vocals/guitar.

Check out our site at

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Please post comments, questions, concerns, cheers, jeers, love advice, favorite recipes, and pin numbers! We want to know what you think!

What's New? Make sure to check out this page for all the details!
We have a bunch of new shows coming up so click here for details!
We've downsized! Newly reorganized as a three-piece.
We have been playing some new stuff at our recent shows. Now it is up to you, the listener, to let us know what you think! Put your comments here!
We played a kick ass pre-Halloween blow out at Wyatt's Saloon in Fells Point, Saturday the 30th! Thanks to everyone for coming out and dressing up! We had a great time! Check out News and Shows for all the details!
*Especially for your listening pleasure!* You can now hear all 4 full length songs from our demo in Real Audio or MP3 format.
[Small Print]
*All songs © 1998, 1999 Wonderbred Music.
*Page last modified 11/20/99.