Kelli's Amazing Page

Kelli's Amazing Page

Hello everyone! This is my first web page so bare with me while I get it up and running... I really could use any tips or advice so feel free to help me out.

Hmm.... if you want to know just about me then click on the part that says... ME! :) but until i get more stuff on here i guess i can tell you things about my friends.... My best friend is Jenny Smith. She is the bestest friend anyone could ever have. I can trust her with anything, even my life if it came down to it. My friends are the most important things in my life, you can never have to many of them. There is something very important that I have learned that my friend Chris Brunk once told me: it is that girl/boyfriends may come and go but best friends are there to last a lifetime. Chris is a cool guy and I am glad to be his friend. Some of my friends are: Jenny Smith, Chris Brunk, Brian LaTour, Jeff Wilcox, Eric Murine, Megan Warner, Alan Christensen, Brian Dishaw and many more... I have the best group of friends ever... and I am always willing to except more. Oh yeah, before you go don't forget to sign my GUESTBOOK!

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