Nov 10, 2007-I've made up my mind about this site, and decided that I'm going to convert this site to a Guitar Pro site only. No more crappy text tabs. Not that anyone really checks em out anymore anyway. I've been using powertab for the last few years, and just recently started messing around with Guitar Pro 4 because it has more capabilities for multiple instruments, and has the capabilities to add drums. So in that sense I like it better than Powertab, but Powertab has a better layout, and look to the tabs. So I still do both. Sorry if I disappointed anyone, but it had to be done.

Welcome to the New Hard Rock Dungeon, The format of the site has changed, and will require you to download the program GUITAR PRO 4. It is a great program. It isn't a free program, but there is ways around it. There are crack codes out there to unlock the program's full potential. There won't be many tabs added to the site as of yet because I haven't done a lot of them, but I am working on some, and will add the ones I do have. if you have any tabs to contribute by any bands that aren't listed, or any songs listed but I don't have the Tab for just drop me a line through my email,

I am a big fan of a lot of these groups, and that's why I decided to start this site. And also because you can't find most of this stuff anywhere on the net, unless you look really hard. If you know of any Tab sites that have tabs I may be missing, or anything, feel free to leave me the url in my email or on the Message Board. And now I'm going to take you through the sections of the site. If you click
Guitar Tabs it will take you to Guitar Central, my online Archive of Guitar Tablature by bands ranging from Dokken to Warrant and everything in between. Guitar Secrets will take you inside some of my favourite guitarists' Guitar sounds on record and what equipment they used, etc.

will take you to some of my favourite links to Artist's sites and some friend's sites. My friend Mr. Ing's pic site click the banner at the top. I took out a lot of sections, and they probably won't be returning. So the site will be pretty much bare bones for now, but keep checking back for updates.

Well that's all for now, Hope ya enjoy the Site.

-The Webmaster