You suck.

I got married August 12 2006 to the lovely Tracy Mann, we have a son Jackson Bradley born September 6 2004 and he's a handful but really cool. Don't that beat all go figure. Working for a company making digital maps for the government. Again go figure working for the man. Got my wedding ring tattoo'd on pretty cool, haven't seen the internet for 3 years basically but just got it back crazy.


I don't believe in you, the worlds not real and I dreamed it up, why you're here is some bizzare fucked up portion of my mind that needs conflict, you're here to fuck with me, well I don't believe in you, so you can't......

April 7 marks the 24th anniversary of my birth, I spent the day imbebing alcohol untill I couldn't remember how to swallow. I still don't believe.

Some may not know I play and write for the guitar, not successfully mind you but here are some very very rough examples made with varying degrees of success using sound recorder: Number 1, 2 , 3 , 4

I used to write some too haven't had time for it lately but for a look in the past check this out.

We chase this thread of light, we face the path of time, and yet I fight, and yet I fight this battle all alone, no one to cry to, no place to call home. My gift of self is rage, my privacy is raped, and yet I find, and yet I find, repeating in my head, if I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead.

Alice in Chains ~ Nutshell

Isn't it scary what an idiot can do with a little knowledge? Case in point this page was created using all old school html typed out in notepad.