Well, while you're waiting for this to load, I might as well tell you where I got some of the pictures. Peter, of course, is from rraven's page. (Hey, wait! I want you to go there, but not until after you're done here!) I also took a pic from Frogland (for all your frog needs). While I was surfing, I found this guy who just has gajillions of photos of everything you can imagine, from the Pyramids to a burgundy bath towel. They're all free for non commercial use, and you can vote on which ones you like best. I didn't actually use any of them, but what the heck.
Isn't Eve wonderful? The atmospheric music. The lovely, dreamlike images. Well, okay, looking for bugs with a magnifying glass was more like a nightmare. But otherwise, isn't it cool? What do you mean, you don't have Eve yet? For Pete's sake, what in the world are you waiting for??? Go to amazon.com right now and order it! (Well, go after you've seen my Eden Preview).
Still waiting? Well, let's not forget that So was released in May of 1986. Go ahead, put it in the CD player and turn it up. I bet you haven't for awhile.
Got some time to waste? Visit my friend Dan's page. Okay, it's his band's page. Hey, if you're into Zen or Esperanto, don't forget to check out his Esperanto translations of Zen texts. (Did you know that there's an Esperanto Webring? I didn't, until Dan told me. It takes all kinds, I guess). Or how about The Gallery of the Absurd. (So that's the secret to happiness!) Or learn a new skill at Learn2.com. I took their origami 2torial and learned to make a paper cup--my life hasn't been the same since.
You should also check out The Centre for the Easily Amused (Yes, I know what you're thinking. It's true, I am. I'm sure that comes as a dreadful shock). Waste some time with their killer madlibs. Torture a fish. Examine all the dancing pages out there on the web. Watch paint peel (now that's easily amused!).
Speaking of easily amused, I'm having a lovely time with ThingMaker. See, I got this free version from Geocities, but any Things I make have to be on Geocities pages. So I went and shelled out $40 for the official version. The Thing above was made with the free version, so if you steal it (please feel free to, by the way) you'll only be able to put it up on a Geocities page. Future Things will not be tied down this way, I promise. But the other cool thing I found at Thing World was ThingScreenSaver. You can use the Things that come with it, or you can import your own (made or borrowed--I had no trouble using Things made with the free version, GeoThingMaker) and have yourself a customized, interactive screen saver. It's free, so you might as well check it out. You can always throw it in the Recycle Bin if you don't like it. The downside? ThingWorld stuff doesn't work on Macs. If you're a Mac user, write them lots of letters and tell them to get cracking! Here's the link--Thing World. It's sort of a strange place to enter the site, but it's impossible to find what you're looking for from the main page, or maybe I just can't figure it out, which is not beyond possiblity. At the top of the page you'll see "the Things" in red. Click on this. The next place you end up has a menu on the side--you can figure it out from there.
Is it still loading? Yeah, I know, I hate pages that take forever to load, too. Actually, I originally made this Thing so that it had two "screens," but what with the sounds and all, the file became so huge it just wasn't worth it.
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