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Gilly's Moffatt Mania is now closed, for good. I dont see the point of having a page that says that I will be back when it's been a year and I have not even touched my site, changed anything, or did nothing for it. I'm busy with my school work, and my other sites. I still have my site at . I dont plan on getting rid of that site anytime soon. But this one on the other hand, I just dont have the time or the effort to make and work on it. Plus it's been a year and I've done nothing on it! A while back I attempted to remake this site by changing the name of it, and look and feel. I've lost interest in that in about 3days. If you want to check it out it is located here One Step Forward
I'm putting a link to my newest site that I'm placing on this space. It is a Mp3 site. I still need a name for it, if you have any ideas then please feel free to tell me them. I really dont like having a nameless site.
Gillys Mp3 Site
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