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What's up, my name is Gesyca, aka Geelava...Prople ask me where I get my nickname from. Well here it goes: I love the G'z, sing the LA and Iam Very Ambitious. G'z = Gee, Sing the LA = LA, and Very Ambitious = VA.
GeeLava. I've had this nickname since I was 11..and respect it.
Let's see originally I'm from Youngstown, Ohio and I now live in the Sharon, Pennsylvania area. I'm 20 and have a beautiful daughter born on January 6th, 2001. I'm one of those people that has many types of friends. From farmers, to biker, to thugs, to gangsters, to the weird, and even preps. I love my friends for who they are on the inside and I know that they respect me for the same. I've had a lot of serious problems in my life and these people deserve credit for helping me be who I am:
April Caruso( the one who has always been there in my stuck up for me...thank you ...hope to find you one day), Christine Q.( You've been my friend for about 10 years now...I got your back...I love you like my true sister you are, Our kids will be best friends...)Lori O.
( Damn girl where do I begin with you,  we went through all our phases together in school and we are still at it..LOL...Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, everything)
Eric O. ( Thank you for putting up with me...I love you Bro!) Veronica W.( You and I know each talked to me about everything when I didn't know what to helped me be myself) Lisa D. ( you gave me ideas...and an education in ways no one will understand, plus who else can I get to streak in the HOT101 parking lot with me in the middle of the night?) Carrie J.(Who else can smile when they are niteowl buddy) Jaysen R. ( My big brother for sure..I miss that one last high school year...No one could ever replace you big brother..i love you) Eric Z. ( You got me to like what I never would like before...heavy metal and are wonderful...I miss you) Ken W. ( Where are you? Your blues eyes stick out in my mind..thank you for being there to protect me...your my Big Brother for sure also...I hope to hear from you soon) Jenn B. ( oh my and I together at Mickey's...LOL...sleeping in my car...beating on the radio...You are one of my wildest are one of my many best friends...never forget that) Stacy G. ( I loove you and your mom...I couldn't get through my stress and pain without you...Remeber my prego Halloween? If you ever need anything...I'm there) Steve L-N. ( You went through some strife...your in my heart as friend) Chad B. ( you are the one who will be burned in my mind for breaking me out of that day you will realize what you mean to me...thank you) Aundray B. ( even though you aren't really have given me one of the best things to daughter...I value your friendship for her...she misses her father subconciously) .Joe F.( you are a genuine person...I accept you into my life with open arms, mind, heart and soul...I think you and I are meant to cross paths just to have someone to relate to in so many ways...You are the JOE! You are wonderful...)Amanda D. ( Girl you and PJ will get married and I'm so short I could be your flower girl...LOL)
My hopes that you have wonderful friends in your lives like you have been to me. Everyone needs someone like ya'll in their life.

                                 LuV~~~ Gesyca

Where to go from here?
Wake your friends
Release some Anger
Ludacris ( My Dogg)
Hey Lover
Fun Clips
What's the words to your cut?
Busta Bust
Missy Elliott
L.A. Gangs
Gang Tattos
Much Love!!!!
Let's get Rotten
Look for Car Club DeKlique coming soon to a DB Drag near you!
Next Season.....2002
Check out for some promos for punkVamp Records consultant Me!
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