Links to other sites on the
Link to good old Ebay!:)
One of My Favorite Charities:)
Go here to Uproar, to
play games and win stuff!:)
Hi everyone!:) I'm
Heather of San Jose California:) © 1998
Well, I'm 32 and 6ft tall:)
I am an administrative assistant and I babysit a lot. VERY Busy:) I am an Aries- born 3-21-74;)
My favorite movie is
Kalifornia and I LOVE Juliette Lewis- she
Juliette Pics...
Huge Juliette Pic- a sight to behold;)
I am very into reading:)
One of my favorite fiction authors is Anne Rice;) She has an
imagination beyond belief;);) Below is a link to order her novel, Blackwood Farm (The Vampire Chronicles). I only recommend authors I love!
I have come across an all-around cool cd. It is by The Red Hot Chili Peppers and is called "By The Way". This cd is beautiful and I could listen to it over and over and over... I am placing a link below to go check it out.
I also LOVE to dance!:):):):) I could
dance for days on end if given the right stuff to move
Click here for a pic I created with Adobe
One of my favorite TV
cartoons at the moment is South Park:)Any
South Park fans out there?:) My favorite character on South
Park is Eric Cartman;)
Here are the South Park
So here I am
living in Cali. still because I'm a little too weird for any other state:);)
Jokes and stuff;);P
Thought of the day- hmmm... I will have to think about it... haha (08-10-06)
-Miss Heather;)<
Have an awesome day and thanks for
dropping by!:)