Welcome to the fidelis lyrics page. These are most of our current songs, many of which will be on our up and coming ep, Honey Brown Water. Time to read up!Gain The flesh shall pass away- sinners we're unworthy The flesh shall pass away- we must cling to what is sturdy The flesh shall pass away- only He can heal the pain The flesh shall pass away- to die is gain. (chorus-) From dirt to dirt, He created you, you fell. From womb to tomb, He gave you Heaven, you chose Hell. From birth to earth, the body falls away, but the soul will live forever, To Die Is Gain. To die is gain- for Him willing sacrifice To die is gain- loose the self, welcome new life To die is gain- He has wiped away the shame To die is gain- and from the cross He called your name. (chorus) Israel Shamah Israel, Adoni elohenu, shamah Israel Adoni ichad. Shamah Israel, Adoni elohenu, shamah Israel Adoni ichad. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord is one. One step is all that He's asking. Two steps day after day after Three steps 40 years in the wilderness. Four steps and we're into the Promised Land! (chorus-) Praise Him with dancing, praise Him with song, Proclaim to the nations, awaken the dawn. Here comes the sun, our God is one! One step we're afraid of the giants. Two steps you know our God conquers all, conquers Three steps lift the Ark of the Covenant. Four steps you know a ska band took down Jericho! (chorus) (Tribal refrain) Shamah Israel, Adoni elohenu, shamah Israel Adoni ichad. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God. Hear, oh Israel, the Lord is one. (chorus) Shamah Israel, Adoni elohenu, shamah Israel Adoni ichad. He Is There (chorus-) He is there, always with me by my side He is there, within His love I will abide. X2 I walk down the path, seems every other step I fall I feel His presence, and I know He carries all. Panic in me rises as the light begins to fade, He holds my hand and leads me, through the darkest shade. I sing my love to Him and the angels echo sweetly, I know His grace abounds and covers me completely. (chorus) What better teacher, than the Master of the World? I sin the sin and sorrow and the wrath that He unfurled. Peace overcomes me in His mercy and His Son, I know He'll never leave me, not the Everlasting One. All that I need, He's my beginning and my end, more than my God, He's my Father and my friend, (chorus) He is there! Our Discontented Lives The glaze was supposed to be blue, said it was dark blue on the bottle (his favorite color) flower pot comes out of the kiln, an antique pale green (chorus-) We go about our discontented lives, or maybe mine's the only one, lost in the fire, lost in the fog, until we finally see the Son. sometimes even friendships fall apart, and I hope he won't blame me saya I exaggerate- and manipulate- and make things complicated right? right right well I hate to wake him up, but they are complicated and he just won't admit - that he's too insensitive, and too indifferent - and I know he'll blow me off again. (chorus) dimly lit wall of candle where the waves and rocks, constantly meet - in a crash dried roses to remember the times by, my memories and my will still clash one I loved and the other I wanted to, but in the absence of love I made him a flower pot, to remind him that i was his flower (chorus X3) This page is under construction. Come back and see us soon!
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Here comes the sun, our God is ONE!!
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