Some Boring Stuff
Well this ostenisbly is my webpage. Not really made with the intent of being viewed by others but indifferent to the fact that it may well be. This webpage is only an excuse for me to practise my miserable writing skills with rants about politics, history, music, and sports. Four topics I take great interest in. I'll probably link and/or copy-n-paste any essays by others on these four topics if they're particularly remarkable and mirror my opinions. I don't have a scanner for pics, so all eye-candy is stolen. But, since this website is really just intended as a personal scrapbook, it shouldn't really matter to you, should it?
Politics/General Issues
Racial Disparities For the Dealth Penalty Is Not Racism by me
Affirmative Action by me
Multicultural Education by Thomas Sowell
Without Dissent by me
On War Protesters
Fisking Saab Lofton by me.
Funny quote from Mark Steyn in this interview: "As a general rule, I'd say 'hanging with real people' is absolutely necessary: you can't write about American attitudes to gun ownership if you just live in a media bubble in New York or Washington. That's why when Matthew Engel does one of those embarrassing Guardian columns where he goes to eat at an Olive Garden franchise out of town, he writes about it as if he's on an anthropological expedition to Borneo."
National Awakening by me.
Presidents Ranked by me.
Music, an oustanding website regarding one of my all time favorite rock and rollah bands. Ween is sort of like the American Beatles, really.

The pAper chAse band can only be described as brilliant. Soundclips of them won't suffice, you should well either see them or buy a cd and put headphones on.

Las Vegas Wranglers hockey every Friday night home game is becoming an obsession.