About Me

Hi if you can't tell by the waving letters above this text, my name is Adrienne DeWeese. This is my
website for my Telecommunications class 200. Here is a little bit about me.

I am currently freshman at Ball State University with double majors in Dance and Telecommunications.
I am a member of the Ball State Poms squad, which is a dance team that performs at football and
basketball games.(Go Cardinals) I graduated from Avon High School(Go Orioles) in none other than
Avon, Indiana in 2000. Currently my career goals are widespread. I would love to be able to make a
career out of dancing. I hope to audition in the near future in Los Angeles and New York. However,
I am keeping my options open by pursuing a telecommunications degree as well. I would love to be a
reporter for a major television network. I would not mind Katie Couric's job after she is done. I would
like to find stories that are relevant and important to the public. My goal would be to report stories that
are unbiased and tell the whole story. Too many news people go for the easy story and do not find out all
of the facts to both sides of every story before reporting it. My goal is to be an honest trustworthy reporter.

My Interests right now include Dance. Poms, hanging out with my friends, listening to music. In high
school I was Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook. My favorite group is *Nsync. I do like to keep up on
pop culture by watching TRL. No, I'm not 12, I really am an 18 year old college student. If you
want to learn more about me and my great accomplishments thus far, view my resume.

If you are an inquiring mind,
here a few cool search engines to try:




 Dance Related Links
 Telecommunications Related Links
 Ball State Theatre and Dance Department
 Ball State Telecommunications Department
 Federal Communications Commision
 Capezio dancewear
 ABC online

Really Stellar Personal Links
My Photo Gallery
My Resume
My Technology Report
My Company Profile

My TCOM 202 link


published 12/7/00