Site news:
I've been trying to keep this up, but with two kids, it's not easy - but it's done! Some pages are still being worked on, but enjoy!
New photos have been added to our Photo Gallery - by request, I've added in A Chocolate Affaire - and we just got back from Beaches, Boscobel in Jamaica, and Atlantic City this past weekend. We're heading back to Atlantic City again, Harrahs, December 12, 2008, just for Christmas shopping! Our next big trip isn't until March 2009 so keep checking back for updates.
Be sure to sign the Guest Book and tell me what you think or just say hi - just make sure you leave your email so I can get back to you!
Last Updated: 11/16/2008
Tricia's Facebook Page Tricia's MySpace Page Jay's MySpace Page

What's new in our lives?
What have we been up to?
Take a look! Jamaica 2008
Jason and Jay at Pt. Pleasant
Template by Art
for the web