Feel free to link my banner (above) to your site!  Let me know please, by e-mailing me, also please include your site address!  Thank-You!  Oh and if you send me your banner and I like your site I'll put it up here!

Hi!  Thank you for coming to my page, I hope you like it I've been trying to work on it as much as possible so please stop by often, I will be making several changes!


I would like to thank the following people for helping me with my page :

Russ, thanx for telling me how to use all thie stuff , and puttin up with my complaining!  his page JP-Lives!

, thanx for also putting up with me!

, thanx for giving me pics and sending me music clips and basically getting me into madonn!

Dimitri, thanx for letting me use your music page!

madonna stuff

E-mail Me

Sign my guest book!

Vote (vote on different things, if you have an idea for a question, e-mail me and let me know!

(Thanx Dimitri!)



I will be getting many more pictures so
please come back and visit and and look at what I have now! Thankz

Last time I touched this page: 06/09/00