Foxspire's Page O' Pics

Foxspire's New Head Security Chief (just think about that one a minute)


The Foxspire's Links
The Song of The Week (after you've looked at the pics of course) Fox and The Colonel's Vacation Pictures Lilian (She's Probably a phase, but I hope not)
The most beautiful person I've ever known...the worst mistake I've ever made...Never expect that stupid actions will be tolerated forever...and never believe that you can plan ways to make someome love you...they will or they won' matter how many plans you make, you aren't in control.  For any of you who missed that dark time in my life, the dress wasn't for me.
Fox's Poetry Corner Comparables--A look at Fox's Room
Bill and Fox's Movie Game
Foxspire's Other Page O' Pics
The Search Continues

View from work approximately 7 minutes before snow began View of same location 12 hours after the snow (sadly its not untouched snow) The Foxspire's best friend in the world--The Colonel
Your 2001 MKR Champion and one of the two closest most trusted friends I have, Master SAJ aka TOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is another pic of Tina...I stole it from her website...she looks, just absolutely...well, I don't think that beautiful or fabulous or even gorgeous are words enough to describe how beautiful fabulous and gorgeous she looks in this picture.  I'm sorry for stealing it Tina, but there's no way I couldn't have this pic of you on my site Its my friend from way back Kim...a perfect combination of good looks and impeccable moral gotta envy Scott
The first picture of my little buddy Lightning I took a picture of the cat when he walked in the least he wasn't using his litter box. Its nice to wake up looking at Pam Anderson
My mom sells Avon, so she needs some way to ensure that her merchandise stays safe. I'm not doing what it looks like I'm doing First in the Chairarm Kitty Series
Second of the Chairarm Cats Third of five Chairarm Kitten Pics Fourth in the line of the Furball on Furniture Collection
Last of the Siamese Seat Series (come on say it five times real fast...I dare ya) I REALLY wanted to take a picture I bought a new clock, so sue me
The Colonel Plays a game on the PS2 The ice on the creek where I live inspired me to a photograph Another view of the creek ice
A view of the snow as seen down the road from where I live I thought this would be a nice picture of my dream catcher A view of the snow in the field beside my house
The almost melted snow from my front yard A view of the front of my home A pic of my mom's car and the garage behind my house
A look at the Foxmobile The Colonel and I test the camera's sensitivity (since you can't see the incense smoke the experiment failed)...He knew it wouldn't work...look at his face....his grin is huge...if you think it isn't, you aren't looking at it IN the right way A weird look at the Foxspire
What did Foxspire look like the day after Christmas I get presents Stacey took this pic of me at work, its blurry, but you can see the Bad A*s look I'm trying to give myself (a pair of military BDU pants would go a long way towards doing that...The Fox has a birthday coming up people)
January 6th's snow on the family cars I Got Digital Cable If you can tell me the name of the video you win a cookie
A co-worker  from the hole that is my workplace (I know so many beautiful people) I couldn't resist snapping this picture of the little furball, he's so photogenic, and he can't stop me Another of the old man (Lightning is about 12 years old, so I call him old man these days)
I took this pic really late at night, when I was trying to get to sleep, but Lightning was in a mood to play, and I just loved this pose he did. Do you need to ask what this is a pic of? I am obsessed with the leather jacket, and I felt the need to overplay my happiness at receiving it, especially since it wasn't the jacket I was expecting, so I didn't want my parents to falsely believe I was disappointed.
Fox need sleepy (I'm not baby talking over myself mind you, the line is paraphrased from a movie). The little corner of the world what brings you Foxspire's Page O' Pics The results of the final race of the 2001 Mario Kart Racing Season
A picture that I was inspired to take and that turned out better than I expected Here is a pic of my friend from school..IT'S Tina!!! This is a pic of Tina's sweet baby (I don't know why, but every time I hear that one of my friends from school has a baby I always think of that line from Friends when Ross's son is born: "I can't believe one of us has one of these)
Another (and possibly my favorite) view of the old man lightning When a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, fabulous, magnificent woman gives you pictures to put on your page, you do it.  Ya know, the longer life goes on, the more I wish I hadn't been such an anti-social peice of crap in highschool. Another picture of Tina's Son
Picture of Mother and Son together Another pic of Mom and child Yet a third picture of Tina and her son (this one is my personal favorite)
And one more for the road of Tina and her beautiful baby boy First in the "People I Wish I Knew" Series...Julia Stiles I play "Caption This" at
I'm told that it took a lot of balls to post this picture.  I don't know about that, but one really has to have his sh*t together to post a picture like this. True Redneck Ingenuity from Stacey (Gonesh #8 "Perfumes of a Spring Mist" is without a doubt the best incense ever created..with the possible exception of HogSac Industries' "Flaming Monkey Turd" scent.) I am so friggin' fat, but nobody ever takes pictures of me, so I'm gonna post them where I can get them...the hider in this pic is my uncle.
I'm not entirely sure about this picture, but I decided that I should take it...if you've looked at the pics in order, then I don't think you're gonna question this one at this point. My family got me a birthday family is really much more wonderful than I give them credit for most of the time. My bed while I'm on vacation
My uncle got me a set of coins from the year of my birth, this is a picture featuring those coins (sort can't really see them that well), The coins almost have me over the obsession of the leather jacket...and that's a hard thing to do. Also in this pic is something I swore I'd never get into, but my uncle gave to me...a beanie (baby) bear.  I swore I wouldn't give in to the hype on these, but when the other 3 get here I'll post that pic...then when I buy the other two that I want I'll replace the picture of the set. Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet, from left to right: Jerry, Lazy Lightning, Stealie, and Crazy Fingers...still to come (if I can find them), Aiko, Terrapin and Dark Star...and Maybe even Black Peter. Second in the "People I wish I knew" series...Jewel Staite.  A deceptively wonderful actress, considering she's basically best known as a Nickelodeon Kid.
I tend to get bored beyond my wildest emotions when I go to my uncle's for my vacation...when this happens, I am known to do the dumbest things...this is a picture of but one of those things.  I assure you that this is an unedited photo Another one of those pictures that I really had to have my Sh*t together to make, take and, post...Isn't it so sad that I have so little time on my hands...yet for some reason, the women just don't find me acceptable...wish I could figure out why... Well well, finally another picture of me...sad really that so few pictures of me actually grace my page.  Here I am on our new lawn mower, so the picture isn't great as I was moving rather quickly...thank god you can't really tell how fat I am in this picture
You didn't think I'd make an addition to the page without including another shot of the old kitty did you?  This is one of the cuter shots of him, but by no means my favorite shot.

Onward to Foxspire's Other Page O' Pics