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Well, this is my first webpage, so don't go getting mad and stuff at it. If you can help me with it e-mail me at please!
Hi well, my name is Cordelia. You are visitor number to visit this crap-happy site. I attend Rancho Buena Vista High School. I like it there. I have 3 more years to go, though! I have a few friends. My activities are Speech and Debate and, Academic Team.I have done projects for school. So far in History, we have covered The Middle East and Japan.I never realized how hard 9th grade is!I also have been known to be a little bit outta control when it comes to guys. Some of my fave bands are Cake, Green Day, Metallica, and the Offspring.

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My guestbook should get started soon, hopefully. Most of my friends have now sorta gotten mad at me because I have decided to become Communist. Don't get mad, though!, he he. Also, many have requested pics. So here they are. Also, I have now started a page o' links!. Enjoy! Copyright 1999 Cordelia Browning