The Age of Innocence is Over

As a society, we as a whole dont function. The individual strives to be a part of the group. The group strives to be the goal. The goals turn into your life. And your life turn into hell. Those that arent a part of the group generate their own goals and hells and are therefore deserving of some respect. They make their own guidelines for which they run their lives. This group has seen such people as Jimmy Hendrix, Ozzy Osbourne, Janis Joplin, Martin Luther King, Marilyn Manson, and others. But instead of giving these people the respect they so richly deserve, we critisize them and say that they dont know what they are doing. Martin Luther King knew what he was doing. He was never part of the crowd and the impact that he made on America changed history.

Much like them, the youth of today are making leaps and bounds that are being ignored and pushed aside. We follow in the footsteps of those that paved the way for us. We the individuals make America interesting. Without people like Marilyn Manson and Trent Reznor to stir up the populous we would very much annoyed with the way the world runs. Let us not forget the sacrifice Kurt Cobain made. Many will say it was the drugs and Courtney Love. So will i, but he still made a sacrifice and we have to respect him for it. He figured out that this life is not worth living. All this leads up to one absolute. I have yet to find this absolute but this webpage is a way for me to sort my thoughts and find it. Those of us that are individuals, stay that way. If you have a gift, use it to further your knowledge. Do not be labeled as a goth or a hippy or anything of the like. Those are selfimposed limitations and can only harm your potential. I will be here every week to update and meditate through the help of my guestbook and my email address. Those that wish to help and understand contact me. Those that dont care can stay miserable. We shall find what this life is for if it kills us or not.

The rest of this page is to explain myself and how i came to be like this. It shall include various pictures, descriptions, and other shit that can be called personal but is really a catalogue of failed attempts at nirvana. To those of you that wish to read about my personal failure as a person, do click here to see me. Otherwise, do read on...

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