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Where do you want to go today?:
Canadian Bands Rock has now entirely moved to, so please update your bookmarks!
Canadian Bands Rock © Katie
do you want to link to my site? here's some banners that you can use!:
and here's the source code for the banner:
this is the source code for that banner:
Jay "Cutie Pie" Ferguson!
Check the UpDaTeS PaGE for all the recent updates!
Sidenote - my zoebliss page is still not up, but i'm still working on it...
olpie will continue to be very sad if you don't visit Neopets and create a pet of your own for him to be friends don't want that, now, do you? *click above!*
(a href="/trippin_katie")(img src="/trippin_katie/newbanner.gif" border="0" alt="")
just replace the () with <>
(a href="")(img src="/trippin_katie/banner.gif" border="0" alt="")
just replace the () with <>