July 1, 2004: Anders, or Troy, or whatever you call yourself. I've been trying to get in touch with you. Please email me at crazysteff@yahoo.com . I KNOW you still visit from time to time.
Lucky you! You have found MY webpage! Thanks for visiting, sign the guestbook, and all that happy crappy. Please take the time to look around at everything. I'm sure there's something here for everyone to enjoy from actual news about me to just plain silliness.
FINALLY updated 11-6-2001!
This is my official comeback to no-life asswipes who have messaged me: I made this page for MY personal amusement and for the amusement of my friends. If a stranger happens by....great! Hello and welcome! BUT, it is for MY pleasure. If you don't like my backgrounds, if you can't read the crazy text, if you don't want to read my gripes and bitches, if you think I'm ugly or have any other complaints about my page...TALK TO THE BUTT. It's MY PAGE, DAMMIT!!!!!! Go somewhere else.
3-24-2002 I know, it's been forever! I just don't have time for webpages, penpals, or anything anymore. :-( I've been so busy with work, pets, Rob, and attempting to keep my house in some kind of order. Hopefully, I'll get all my new pics on here in the next month or so.
About the harsh intro: I put it on there because there are a few asswipes out there with nothing better to do than email me with complaints about my webpage. Get over it! It's my webspace, and if someone doesn't like it they can go elsewhere. I made it for ME, not the world. It makes me happy, I'm thrilled with my pages, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I used to try to please people, but screw it. I like what I like.
Also, I'm now an avid member of NeoPets. It's a world within a world, it's fun and addictive. You can play games, play with your "pet," "buy" and "sell" using NeoPoints (Neopia currency). It's so much fun that Rob has adopted his own NeoPet on my account, and we have to take turns playing with it! Anyway, hit the link and check it out!Our NeoPets
Troy, I know you still come here and look around. If you do, at least have the balls to email me with your real email address so that I can answer you back. At first, when I figured out who you were, I was a little pissed, but honestly I'm not anymore and would like to talk to you...
So now that you have the latest scoop, check out my other pages, if you feel the need. Everything you wanted to know about me, and probably a lot that you didn't, can be found out by browsing through my other pages. For those of you who do not like to read, just be lazy and skip right to the PICS page.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!![]()
View my old guestbook: