March 29, 1999 - I live, I breathe, I update

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The voice. The spare, haunting music. The face. The evocative lyrics. Hope Sandoval. David Roback. The other guys in the band. The whole trippy Mazzy Star experience. That's what you're here for--right?

You're looking for Mazzy Star information. Well, so was I and I found the information out there on the Net somewhat lacking--I couldn't find what I wanted. (Just what is Hope mumbling about in Umbilical, I puzzled?) So, I became frustrated and created my own Mazzy site. (And, I also needed to learn how to design web sites, but that's another story.)

Everything Mazzy is filled with content. There is now a complete Mazzy Discography (with tips on how to find the rarer non-LP songs) and a Videography (video/TV stuff)--you can download four music video clips, if you have the time. The Photo Album features over 100 pictures of Hope, Dave and the whole Mazzy Star gang. You can ask questions, get answers, and discuss all Mazzy-related topics on the Mazzy Star Message Board + Forum. There's Concert news and reviews. Check out my interpretation of the Among My Swan lyrics -- I believe them to be the most accurate and complete around. (But if you've deciphered something I couldn't, please let me know--I welcome corrections.) Also, there are the Lyrics to the first two Mazzy Star albums and some non-LP songs, along with some pointed comments. For the musicians out there-- guitar Tabs & Chords. For everybody--a Links page.

Once you've finished this "Welcome to the Site" intro you can go to the News section for details on the latest updates and changes.

I am still looking for the following Mazzy Star information:
Discography (All CD's, singles, and LP's--w/catalog # & track info)
Bootleg Tape listing
Music videos
TV appearences (and high quality, stereo tapes of the shows)
Print articles
Promotional material info
Concert reviews (personal accounts--especially the recent ones)


Hit me
Since March 20, 1997

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Boycott Chinese Crap - I mean it !

|Home | News | Concerts | Lyrics | Tabs & Chords| Pictures |Links|
Discography | Videography| Live Tapes| Press | Multimedia| Classifieds| E-Mail me|

Send mail to with contributions, questions or comments.
Copyright ©1997-98 Everything Mazzy - Mazzy Star online












<font color="#000080" size="5">T</font>he voice. The spare, haunting music. The face. The evocative lyrics. Hope Sandoval. David Roback. The other guys in the band. The whole trippy Mazzy Star experience. That's what you're here for--right?<br> <br> <font color="#000080" size="5">Y</font>ou're looking for Mazzy Star information. Well, so was I and I found the information out there on the Net somewhat lacking--I couldn't find what I wanted. (Just what <em>is</em> Hope mumbling about in <em>Umbilical, </em>I puzzled?) So, I became frustrated and created my own Mazzy site. (And, I also needed to learn how to design web sites, but that's another story.)<br> <br> <font color="#000080" size="5">E</font>verything <font color="#000080" size="5">M</font>azzy is filled with content. There is now a complete Mazzy <a href="discogra.htm">Discography</a> (with tips on how to find the rarer non-LP songs) and a <a href="videotv.htm">Videography</a> (video/TV stuff)--you can download four music video clips, if you have the time. The Photo Album features over 100 pictures of Hope, Dave and the whole Mazzy Star gang. You can ask questions, get answers, and discuss all Mazzy-related topics on the <a href="messbrd_mazzy_star.htm">Mazzy Star Message Board + Forum</a>. There's <a href="concert.htm">Concert</a> news and reviews. Check out my interpretation of the<em> </em><a href="lyr1swn.htm"><em>Among My Swan</em> lyrics</a> -- I believe them to be the most accurate and complete around. (But if you've deciphered something I couldn't, please let me know--I welcome corrections.) Also, there are the <a href="lyricsnw.htm">Lyrics</a> to the first two Mazzy Star albums and some non-LP songs, along with some pointed comments. For the musicians out there-- guitar <a href="tabschrd.htm">Tabs & Chords</a>. For everybody--a <a href="links.htm">Links</a> page.<br> <font size="5"><strong><br> </strong></font><font color="#000080" size="5">O</font>nce you've finished this "Welcome to the Site" intro you can go to the <a href="news.htm">News</a> section for details on the latest updates and changes. <br> <br> <font color="#000080"><strong>I am still looking for the following Mazzy Star information:</strong></font><br> Discography (All CD's, singles, and LP's--w/catalog # & track info)<br> Bootleg Tape listing<br> Music videos<br> TV appearences (and high quality, stereo tapes of the shows)<br> Print articles<br> Photos<br> Promotional material info<br> Concert reviews (personal accounts--especially the recent ones)