And Salutations too

It's time to celebrate!  That's right kids, I'm back with a whole new serving of stupid crap for you to enjoy.  Unlike last time, however, I actually have new sections to present, which hopefully will distract you from realizing the rest of it is just a shitty rehash of a bad original.  Regardless, it is new, and hopefully it looks different enough that you might forget it says basically all the same stuff it did before.  Nothing stifles your creativity quite like realizing you never had any to begin with.

Before I actually get to the page, I've got something I briefly want to address.  I've had over 1700 hits to my web page, and I have about 24 guestbook entries to show for it.  That's a slight improvement over what it was before, but still not good enough.  Now, I realize that many of the visitors to my page are repeat visitors who have already signed the guestbook, but there are also many people who come quite often and haven't signed it.  And I know who you are.  If I see that you continue to come without signing the guestbook, I'll make a special page devoted to your irresponsible use of my web page.  However, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself.  I am giving you a link to my guestbook.  Use it, don't abuse it.  Hell, even abuse it if you want, just sign it for christ's sake.

OK, enough of that.  Now it's time to get to what you all came to see:  my list of CDs.  Enjoy, or die.

The Important Parts of my Page.

Your Benevolent Host.
A page designed for all the visitors travelling from foreign countries to learn about...

 My Friends.
Some stupid jackasses.

 An Ode to the Cohens.
Two special people deserving of their own special page.

 My Picture Page.
You get the point.

 My Day with the Smashing Pumpkins.
The greatest day of my life.
A collection of stupid diatribes about irrelevant things.

 My Review Page.
A page dedicated to reviews of music and movies.

 My CDs...and DVDs.
I just can't take this page down.  Plus I'm updating it.

 An Important Poll Question.
A simple way to give me feedback about what think.  Only vote once please.

 Other stuff.
Just some other things that really didn't deserve their own page.

Only if you've looked at the rest of my page.

Catch the latest happenings on my page.

Seriously, that's it.  In 6 months, that is all I could come up with.  Sad.  But regardless, I hoped you derived at least some enjoyment from it.  After all, I do this for you, the general public, the people who I truly, deeply, and madly care about.  Without you, what would I have?  A page with about 50 hits.  And probably about 17 guestbook signatures.  One out of three isn't bad, but one out of almost 100?  Shame on you.

If for some reason you want to express your opinions on this page directly to me, my AIM screen name is KarmaPD.  You can email me at