i've wandered all around again
sideways, upside down and back
and every time i've passed through here
your soul has pulled me in
its not a matter of being yours
or keeping you by my side
its that thing that i see inside you
everytime you're finally happy again
that little piece of you
that reminds you to live again
that's why i'm here
and thats why its so hard for me
to walk away




My Tats! (click below to see a picture of each)


My Live Journal

Welcome to my page! My name is Jenni. I've been back in Cali now for a while. Good ridance to University of Maryland, definitely. I just recently got accepted to UC Santa Cruz, so come January I'll be moving up there with my motorhome and my dalmation puppy. Should be a nice change from being a mooch.

I wanna give a shoutout to all my boys and girls, you know who you are :)!! I love you!!!!!

So yeah, check out the stuff I have below. It might be boring, but hey, ya never know :)

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!! :)

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Now Playing: A Warm Place, NIN

My URL: http://fly.to/BlueDreams

I got it for free at http://come.to