Celt's Highland

The only difference between people with tattoos and people without them is...

People with tattoos don't care if you don't have one...

"A mind altering site....."


Welcome to my Highlands......sorry that the page hasn't been updated in some time, a lot going on in life!!! Will be remedying that sometime soon, just so you know! There's new ink and new metal in and on my body, so I'll have updated pics of that, I've updated the Psychobabble page and I will be updating others as I get the chance. Life is busy, all that means is I still have one and it's still kicking my ass...so meanwhile, enjoy what I DO have here for you and if I can get the @#%^@#! Guestbook to work, then you can tell me about it, okay? Thanks and peace....

I'm Celt, and that's in reference to bloodline heritage and ancestry as opposed to basketball! I am 3/5 Irish/Scot, with lines back across the pond into the Highlands of Scotland and the Vales of Ire...I live, and was born and raised in, the States. Someday I hope to make my pilgrimage back to someplace that I've never been, but it calls to my soul...this netsite will soon be carrying much more information regarding Celtic heritage and may help explain to my mother why I feel the need to tattoo and pierce my body as I do...or maybe not....

The Parlor is my page concerning Tattooing, Body Piercing & Other Body Art! These things are of interest to me not only for their aesthetic value, but because of my heritage...tattooing, hair braiding and body modification were a way of identifying with your Clan, as well as with others of Celtic heritage...also, there are some pretty decent links, as well as a couple of webrings, attached to it that'll cruise you to some really awesome tattoo and piercing pages. Also notice the webring at the bottom of this page.......

I have pictures posted of my tattoos and my piercings for your enjoyment, I know words don't always describe well, so there they are. I've gotten some new pieces but haven't had the time to get them posted, promise sometime soon!

I am also an opinonated person, realize that my opinion is just that...My Opinion! - and it's all Psychobabble to me. You don't have to agree with me, you don't even have to care, but I believe everyone should at least HAVE an opinion....

The newest page addition....Celt's Corner is now accessable....there are a few links for you to visit and this page should be expanding in the future, as I have been spending large quantities of time looking into my heritage. I haven't had much time to work out here much lately.

These are some of the Friends that I've made here.

Anyway, thanx for visiting, and look for more soon.........

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