To The Incredible,The Legendary

This site is no longer under construction. The work on it has stopped, as this was only my first attempt at paying homage to the man. I'm in the process of creating an all new and vastly improved Legendary Alice Cooper web site. When finished it will contain many more photos, complete up to date trade lists, and some extra added surprises? In the meantime i'd like to take a moment to express my appreciation to all that visited this site, signed my guestbook, entered my drawing, and have written to me? Afterall, this site was created for his many fans to enjoy, as well as a tribute to the man himself. If you have any comments, suggestions, or input on how i can provide a better site, please feel free to email me and let me know?


I started this website as a TRIBUTE to my all time favorite rock star ALICE COOPER. Who is Alice Cooper? Was he just a shrewd business man, or one of rock 'n' roll's greatest performers? He was both. In the music industry you need to get a break, to get your foot in the door sometimes you need to try something new, something different, something that seperates you from the other bands, he did just that. Vincent Furnier changed his name to Alice Cooper, he wore ghoulish makeup, ripped up toy dolls, carried around a snake, he was a parent's worst nightmare. But overtime Alice has emerged as a great musician, performer, and artist. Alice has changed rock 'n' roll by creating "theatrical rock" not only playing his music on stage, but also acting out his songs on stage. He was the first, he was rock's innovator always trying something new, something different. Over the years many other bands have tried to "copy" his style, but nobody does it better than Alice himself. So for your viewing enjoyment I present the "king" of theatrical rock, the incredible the legendary ALICE COOPER!

Nothing's Free
This Maniac's In Love With You You're A Movie Little By Little
Steven You Look Good In Rags Headlines Model Citizen
Billion Dollar Babies Sideshow Some Folks Years Ago
Never Been Sold Before Skeletons In The Closet Links

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This page created by ACooper 3-28-97

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