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Welcome to my World

Hey! it's been almost a year since I've come back into here to check up on this web page. I didn't even know that geocities and yahoo had merged... So, as of now, i will promise to update as much as i can and make the page more interesting to look at. Look it's Bert!!! One of my fave Sesame Street characters and he says that if you don't sign the guest book then he's coming after you!!!
Ok, here's a question that I'm sure most of you have thought about, honesty on the net. You know, when people chat, do they tell the truth or not? When I think about it..no. Well here's a funny interpritation of 'Honesty on the net'. I'm not too sure as to where I got it but I'm happy that I did cuz it's really funny.
Ok, for those of you who saw something about a Queen's trip, it's gone. I never got around to putting more pictures on so, I figured that I'd just forget it. Well, I'm gonna give this thing a try so if any of you have any inputs, please feel free to email me! I'm not completely done yet so just wait cuz there will be more! Another thing that I have to get in, if there's something that someone does not want to have shown on my page, please tell me right away.

Here's a link that I'm sure most of you who visit would really like to see!! It's nothing too special but it's worth visiting. Ok, here it is! Click here..

SiGn My GuEsTbOoK Guestbook by Lpage ViEw My GuEsTbOoK

© 2000 Deborah Kuo fucjnut@hotmail.com

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