Directions to the Shannon/Nenon House at Pickwick

            Phone @ Pickwick: 731 – 689 – 3653

            Edward’s cell phone: 901 – 634 – 5055

This trip takes approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

1.  Go out Nonconnah Pkwy until the last exit (US-72) and go east (right); now on US-72 East.

2.  From Nonconnah, continue on US-72 for 60 miles.  You are now in Corinth, MS, and will start to cross over an interstate.  Head north on this interstate (US-45) by taking a left at the light. 

3.  Head north on US-45 for 3.5 miles.  Take the Henson Road/MS-2 exit and go right (east) after you exit the interstate.

4.  Follow Henson Road/MS-2 for 15 miles.  Ignore the signs along the way telling you to turn left to go to Pickwick Dam. 

5.  After 15 miles, you will approach a T-intersection at which you must turn right or left.  Turn left. You are now on MS-25.

6.  Follow MS-25 (which becomes TN-57) for 3 miles. On the right you will pass a restaurant, Jon’s Pier.  After you pass this restaurant, begin looking on your right for the next road - it is unmarked - and turn there. 

[If you pass a grocery store & strip mall on the left, you have gone a bit too far. Directly across the street from the strip mall is YMCA Lane. Get on this road and see next step]

[If you see Fred’s on the left, turn into the parking lot and call the house.]

7.  After you turn, you will soon (15 seconds) get to a stop sign. Bear right and follow the blacktop for 1.5 miles.  The road seems to fork several times: each time follow what looks like the main route.  As you round the turn with a sign “Dangerous Curve,” go to the bottom of the hill.  At the yield sign, take the far left, then bear right when it quickly forks.  The house is the first driveway on the left.