WELCOME! At times a group or clan can be specified by the nature of that group or clan. In this case, we are 2, Judy and Michelle. We share a love of life as well as a love for each other. We believe that anything is possible and encourage and strengthen our bond when we are able to show that support. We never judge but listen to cries often silent but still felt. It is this bond that keeps us together. Peace and love.
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my friend
Put your head on my shoulder
No need to worry 'bout a thing
I'll be the cure for your loneliness
I'll make you feel like you're whole again
And you can always count on me wherever I may be
When this world's got you feelin' blue
Call on me and I'll run to you
My friend
On my wings we both can fly
Cause there's no burden big enough
And when you're hurtin' baby so am I and we'll both cry
There's nothing stronger than our love
And you can always count on me, wherever I may be
Oh I'm gonna find the way
To a better day
My friend
So let me be the one to save ya
Cause it's the least that I can do
And you don't have to return the favor
Cause I promise you
Oh we're gonna make it through.
My friend
Put your head on my shoulder
No need to worry 'bout a thing
If you need me I'll be there in a hurry
Call on me, time and time again
Cause you're my friend
Song by Blessid Union of Souls
The Society of Childlike Grownups
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