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You can buy Pleasureland and What's-His-Name, as well as listen to sound clips, thanks to .

As of 1 May 1997, the Swales are no more. Read more about it in the news and history pages. The band would like to thank everyone for their support.

Welcome to my tribute to the Swales. This New Jersey band has released two full albums on Bar/None records and has done extensive touring to promote them. I was first exposed to them at Bogart's in Cincinnati. They put on an incredible live show.

Bob Carr's (lead singer) lyrics and songwriting are brilliant, nothing you would expect from most modern music. The Swales's songs have a down-home, real American feel. Check out this site and pick up their albums Pleasureland and What's-His-Name if you haven't already.

Check out the only other Swales Homepage on the web.

Please sign the guestbook, courtesy of LPage. Thanks for stopping by.

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Bar-None Records
Bar/None Records
My URL: http://listen.to/swales/

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This page maintained by Kamran Sajadi, the number one Swales fan.
Last updated Friday, 28 August 1998.
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